Tuesday, February 9, 2016

New Hampshire GOP Primary Predictions

Polls should have closed at most NH locations about 30 minutes ago but it looks like there are still long lines of hopeful voters. Anyone in line at 7 will be able to cast there ballots. Here are my predictions for what seems like could be a long night.

5. Chris Christie: Attacking Marco Rubio did less to help his cause than he expected. That said he still has the name recognition and support to continue into South Carolina.

4. Ted Cruz: Cruz spent less time in NH than Iowa. Also the differences between a caucus and a primary have the most effect on him. With most independent voters choosing to vote for a Republican (according to exit polls) the libertarian and moderate voting contingent will hurt his totals.

3. Marco Rubio: After what his team considered a "victorious" 3rd place finish in Iowa it did feel like Marco had some momentum going into New Hampshire. However while I don't think Chris Christie's critique will help his own numbers they will have an effect on Marco. We will see if his team can spin another 3rd place finish into a positive.

2. John Kasich: Admittedly this is more of a passion pick than one I can support with data. John is just a good dude and as crazy as it sounds his midnight momentum in Dixie Notch could snowball into a surprise 2nd tonight.

1. Jeb Bush Donald Trump: Donald has led start to finish in NH. Only thing one would think is in question is the margin. But the fact that Donald Trump is leader in the club house for the GOP nomination right now makes me question everything about everything. 

Any republican not in the top 5 tonight needs to graciously step aside. Something tells me Jeb will hang around in this election longer than a hanging chad in Florida. A Florida where he happened to be the Governor when his brother "won" the White House in 2000. Aside from Jeb I would expect the others to drop out in the next week.

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